Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Presidents & CEOs - We Need You to be Proactive Leaders

From my conversations with many employers in the Charlotte area, I hear many comment on their observations of poor productivity and/or a lack of focused efforts. When asked about why they believe this is happening, there isn't always a clear explanation.

When this topic is pursued further, it sometimes is noted that leaders aren't always clearly communicating their expectations to their management team or workforce. A lack of communication is one of the gaps in many companies and organizations.

The second piece to this challenge is the need to have the best people in management positions. If those managers/supervisors are not well trained and/or experienced in their roles, that inhibits the communication process. Therefore, business leaders need to invest in training and/or coaching their management staff.

Additionally, managers also need to feel "empowered" and trusted to do what is needed in order to accomplish the company leader's goals and expectations. Of course, good communication is also needed between managers and the workforce. The other important point in this matter is for managers to be good "listeners".

All of these pieces fit together like a puzzle. Therefore, all three aspects of this equation are needed in order for a company to reach their goals and be successful. However, any successful business/organization begins with a "proactive" President and CEO!

Robyn Crigger, CEO
Compass Career Management Solutions-OI Partners

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