Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Getting The Most From Trading Webinars Posted By : Barry Summers

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Everybody is full of advice about how to trade these days. However, you are to be congratulated. You have sifted through the smog far enough to find someone or some company that you trust enough to provide you with the advice and the timely information that you need in order to trade successfully. That is half the battle right there.

The other half has to do with your preparation, because preparation is how you will end up getting the most from your trading webinars. Any stock exchange webinar can lead you to the water, but if you are missing the core concepts of what the meeting is all about, even if it is a free trading webinar, you have wasted your time (money - Time is money; you know that).

How do you get the most that you can from a trading webinar?

1. Go in with as much knowledge as you can about your speaker.

What is his or her trading strategy? Who does he or she listen to for his or her advice? What pedigree are we talking about here? Does this person think top down or bottom up? And most importantly, the question that you all must ask yourself is this:

Does the trading style of this person match what I do?

We as human beings naturally want to find validation for what we already think is true and for our habits. Therefore, if your Forex webinar has a completely different trading strategy from you, you will subconsciously delete everything that they have said from your brain. Your brain does not like being told that what it is doing is bad or wrong, and there are many ways to trade successfully - so you need to find someone with a style similar to yours. Which brings us to our next tip:

2. Go into the webinar with a sense of how you trade.

You must ask yourself - who am I? Why do I trade the way I do, and has it been successful? What things do I need to change? Does this person know where I am coming from enough so that I will not shut him or her out, but also, is this person better than me at what I want to do?

It is essential that you know what kind of trader that you want to be before you can accept the advice of any person. Otherwise, why not just chase the rumour mill like all of the amateurs?

3. Find a teacher whom you trust.

The last way to get the most out of any webinar is to find a teacher that can change your mind. This requires finding someone to whom you can relate (Tip 1), finding out who you are, your strengths and weaknesses (Tip 2), but now finding someone whom you respect enough to be able to change your mind on how to compensate or eliminate your weaknesses. This requires trust, and trust requires research about the person and organization that you are receiving information from. Article Directory :

Barry Summers -

If you are looking for?Forex webinar?and?trading strategy?visit trade with precision.

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