Sunday, July 17, 2011


What are you doing to retain your good employees? A recent artitcle relayed that more and more employees are actively seeking better job opportunities. At a meeting I attended recently, a woman announced that her husband had decided to leave his current job to take one that should benefit their family both financially and should keep him from working such long hours. Evidently, the current employer was quite upset with this man's decision, but his family is very pleased.

So many people have been working more and harder as employers have downsized and added to everyone else's work load. Over all, many employers are still having to run very lean, and the government's economic forecast doesn't provide much, if any reason to change that.

Still, employers need to look at their workforces and be sure to do anything they can to retain those "good employees". Flexible hours or fair dispursement of workloads, as well as other creative perks or benefits, including training or education retirement workshops could make an employee think twice before leaving. What are you do to make employees feel appreciated?

It is understandable that most employers cannot increase salaries, but are you encouraging employees to use their creativity to develop ideas to grow the business? Perhaps they might think of something that you haven't. How often do you tell your employees how much you value all that they do? All positive gestures can help you retain those valuable employees.

Robyn Crigger, CEO
Compass Career Management Solutions

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