Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Positive Impact and Value of Training & Education

As I sat in the Charlotte Economics Club meeting this week, listening to our speaker from the Federal Reservce Bank in Atlanta, I looked around and saw the faces of attendees. Most were definitely NOT surprised by the information being shared. In fact, it seemed more of the "same old stuff" with NO resolutions or suggestions.

Though the banks seem to have plenty of money now, there are few people eligible for loans, since most people are now in waist-high debt, and their houses aren't worth half of their purchase prices. Those with jobs don't feel secure, and those without jobs can't find employers willing to hire them.

In addition the companies, who do have money on hand, refuse to release those funds, even for "training and development", which could benefit and strengthen their firms. Do companies not understand the positive impact that training can make on their "bottom lines"? Now is the time for employers to "manage their talent" and develop their young, inexperienced workforces! Such training could help companies break through this stagnet economy! Thoughts?

Robyn Crigger, CEO
Compass Career Mgmt. Solutions

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