Friday, May 27, 2011

Include Your Heart & Gut in Your Decisions

Whether in business or personal decisions, we all know how wise it is to gather the facts and examine all pros and cons. However, sometimes that isn't enough.

Have you ever made a decision strictly on "those facts", but for whatever reason, your gut or instincts don't feel good about it? Why is that? There has been research on this topic, but science can only help to a limited degree in explaining this phenomenon.

Some people are very in tune with their instincts and depend on them a lot. Others don't pay any attention or "don't feel any gut-type response" when making decisions. When it comes to meeting people, there is a large number of people, who find that their instincts are very dependable indicators of whether that person is worth knowing or avoiding.

When in a job search, we all experience many different hiring processes -- some are even quite bazaar. Hiring and interviewing processes can be an indicator as to what type of employer this company is by the way they treat job candidates. Though the unemployeed NEED jobs, beware of companies who put you through extensive, rigorous, or unusual hiring practices. Decision Makers need to also be keenly alert. Don't blow off your instincts too quickly.

Robyn Crigger

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