Thursday, October 6, 2011


After being self-employed for over 17 years, I am starting to see more and more fellow small business owners closing their doors and either returning to "employee status" or retiring. You don't have to be a genius to understand why this is happening. The tough, back-breaking economy is the biggest culprit!

It's tough enough to battle dramatically reduced spending. Both individuals and companies are holding on TIGHT to their money. Of course, it is understandable, and yet we can't put our heads in the sand and hope some miracle will pull us through. We all have choices, and it is important to remember that nothing stays the same.

So how do we move forward during this continuing recession? There needs to some creative thinking and courage for all of us to get through these difficult times. What can each of us do to stimulate growth and confidence in our country and our businesses? We can't depend on someone else to develop a fresh idea or new approach. We need to turn to ourselves and our fellow Americans.

Positive thinking, being open-minded, delving into research, having healthy exchanges with others, and even taking tough criticism can enable us to find ways grow and improve. Together we can all make a difference. Share your ideas for strengthening a business. Reach out and be supportive to others. The future is in OUR hands!

Robyn Crigger
Compass Career Management Solutions-OI Partners Inc.

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