In addition to the forks Andrews, the chart shows two horizontal lines on the minimum and maximum points for the selected time period, and the vertical segments of the time bands are separated from one another, so the current time frame selected graphics should always be less than half the frame selected by the user in the settings of the indicator
Pitchfork built on the "classical" principle, first taken the last three extreme high and low points, or fractals, and two of these points must be on the same side of the chart, and the third with another, and the latter must be strictly between those two, located on the opposite side of the chart of currency pairs. All three are built according to Andrews 'Pitchfork indicator, using only 5 points, and an extreme point average of "thick" Andrews' Pitchfork is taken about the middle of the vertical segment, which was built on the two remaining points of which deviate from other Middle Fork Andrews.
An indicator:
TimeFrame - selected time interval for the trade;Pitchfork_1 - color twisted Andrews;
Pitchfork_2 - color twisted Andrews;
Boyka_Line - the color of "thick" twisted Andrews;
HLine - line of resistance;
LLine - line support;
Line_Width - thick lines;
Boyka_Line_Width - thickness of the "thick" twisted Andrews;
DrawVLine - drawing vertical lines separate time periods;
VLine - color vertical lines, period separators.
Description of parameters:
to Andrews' Pitchfork gave more accurate signals to trade, to be in great period contained about 40-or more segments of a period of lower order, for example if you are trading on a time frame of M1 , the parameter "TimeFrame" , should be set to "H1 " and more, and so on in ascending order.
The use of the trade:
when using the "classic" trading strategies over forks Andrews to open the transaction at the current price in the direction of the center line of forks, formed after the last extreme point of order to be able to deliver on schedule Andrews pitchfork.But as the indicator automatically draws the fork, and just three at the same time, it can be used for trading and other neighboring lines twisted, applying the tactics of the trade channel or retreat from the lines of a channel.
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