Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to Develop a More Content Workforce in the Furture?

What is important to you? What do you consider to be the top priority in your life? When we are young and still in school, most of us don't give a lot of thought to being an adult and what we might want to accomplish in our lives. We may have hobbies, and we hopefully have a supportive family, who we love, but to think of what we want to accomplish or contribute in our lives doesn't usually get much thought until later in adulthood.

Unfortunately, when only 18 years old, we are expected to choose our career path to follow through life. That is a gigantic expectation for someone who is still far from "mature". However, one thing parents can do is expose their children to different careers and allow them to examine and explore what each career is really all about.

Most students entering college are listed as "undecided" and given about two years before requiring they select their major, with some exceptions. Hopefully, the students will take this time to continue exploring the different aspects of different careers. Some schools (K-12) do provide some "career days", and all parents should encourage their children to examine each one.

Many employees in our work places have taken jobs that aren't a good match, but with the need to provide a living, many feel trapped in the jobs they have. Give your children a chance to learn about a wide variety of careers, what education is required, what the daily routines and duties are expected, responsibilities involved, etc.

If parents do this, our society could actually have a happier, more content workforce in the future. Parents should also encourage their schools to provide as wide and diverse of careers as possible for their students to explore. The more time the students have to discover the many careers available, the better chance they have of selecting a career that is a better fit.

Robyn Crigger, CEO

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