Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Forex Signal Trading As an Assistance Tool For Forex Traders

Forex signals providers has become popular services nowadays. Most forex traders use it as an assistance analytical tool to help them take the proper trading decision. This services are run by forex trading experts who possess a high level of market analysis experience where they can combine several indicators such as moving averages, trend lines, MACD, stochastic…etc. in order to generate an entry and exit signals which implies a high winning probability.

Most forex signal providers offer their signals only for the popular currency pairs such as: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD and USD/CHF. These currency pairs constitute about %80 of the market volume and are traded extensively by the majority of forex traders everywhere.

The forex signal providers offer their services for the public traders on a monthly subscription basis, where they send their signals out to their members through emails, SMS, or cell phone. The trader may be charged a subscription fee which ranges between $50 and $150 per month based on the service quality and the numbers of currency pairs they provide trading signals for.

The forex signal providers just send the entry price, stop loss price and take profit price. They do not offer any additional technical information about the method they used to generate their entry and exit signals. This makes the trader blindly follow their signals without being able to make a proper judgment on their signals quality unless he or she has a high degree of technical analysis experience.

How to Determine the Quality level of a Forex Signals Service?

The first step to make a judgment on a service is to ask for their activity history, this will prove or deny their claims.

The common mistake which most traders make is that they completely rely on these signals as a sole indicator to enter the market. Really these services save the trader a lot of time watching the market trying to pick a trading opportunity. However, the right technique should any one do is to use these signals as an extra indicators which help qualify his or her trading decision, in other words, the trader should make his own analysis for the price action and end with a personal prediction to the market movement based on his experience, then use these signals to approve or deny this decision.

Most traders use the signal provider services for a short period of time before making a judgment whether it's a good or bad service. The next step to make a fair judgment, the trader should use the service for a relatively long period of time and make his statistics about the quality of this service and whether he or she will continue using it or not.

Final note:

As a trader, you should not relay completely on signal provider service. When you generate your own signals, you combine several trading indicators like trend lines, moving average, stochastic…etc, in order to get a high probable trade signal. Meanwhile, providers might choose to employ just one indicator in order to generate their signals, which may not be 100% accurate. This justifies why you should compare and contrast signals between one another and for the movement of the currency price.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Forex Robot Trading Performance March 2011

How was last month? Is it safe to trade today?
A client asked me that question today and the thought kept coming back the rest of the day.
Well, I would not choose last month as my favorite month ever,
Apart from the non-stop human tragedies and the completely overwhelming grief one feels with the loss of so many lives - as a trader a month such as this last one really puts you to the test.
Earthquakes, revolutions, air strikes, nuclear threats - it seemed as if the term "geo-political events" wasn't even fit to describe what was going on worldwide this month.

We are fine in general - what started out as a promising month has seen some set-backs, but we are still ahead for the month and I find that to be no small achievement.
The robots were performing fantastically and were actually doing quite well - we may have inadvertently been too cautious and decided on a few non-scheduled no-trade-days being swept away by the contagious panic trading in Wall Street. Always a bad idea. If in doubt  - leave them to trade.

Once again we had the feeling that our robots perform just fine during tumultuous times - that's why we have volatility filters - to rule out unfavorable markets.

The USD/JPY was of course the currency most affected and there were truly a few free-falling days - now of course it is more stable than ever - with the world watching its every hiccup.

So, hopefully you have traded through this month successfully as well and have come out ahead in the end.
Let me know how you did....

Monday, March 28, 2011

Getting Ahead With Forex Signals

For some individuals, trading in the foreign exchange market made them quite rich. As you may know by now, Forex trading has a very liquid market. You can be anywhere and anytime in the world and still be able to earn much with just the use of your laptop, fast internet connection and Forex trading account. Most traders rely on trading signals to help them decide on what to do next.

These trading signals are simply foreign exchange market trend indicators. They tell a trader if the market trends are ideal for either buying or selling. These so called trends can involve currency pairs and resistance and support levels. One signal can actually be based on as many as 26 indicators or factors. The Forex trading market is very high risk because currencies anywhere in the world can change instantaneously because of local market conditions. These changes are the ones that traders look out for and they can only do so with Forex trading signals.

Now, looking for a provider of these trading signals can be more challenging. Here are some of the qualities you should look for:

• Professional: of course, it is only natural that you would want a Forex signal provider that can provide you with excellent quality services and products. In addition to this, you would also want someone experienced and knowledgeable in Forex trading.

• Timely: it is very crucial that the trading signal is provided at a timely manner. You can choose a provider that gives you at least tow signals each day and can reach you via email or SMS alert.

• Affordable: you would certainly prefer a Forex signal provider that charges you depending on the type of signal you received and does not require you to pay any monthly fees.

With these qualities in mind, you do not even have to look far. Forex Online Signals can offer all these plus more. You can even choose from three different packages, Mini, Standard and Pro, each one still allowing you to receive trading signals anywhere and anytime. These packages usually include free credit, Forex signal email, personal performance tracker; SMS message notification, email customer support and six currency pairs to choose from. If you want to avail of free credit back, flexible schedules and preferred currency pairs, you should choose the Pro package. Any of these packages require a one-time set up that ranges from $17.95 to $87.95.

Your success in foreign exchange trading depends on how fast you act on the trading signals you receive. Whether you received signals to sell or buy, you should know that time is of the essence and it would mean losing or gaining a significant amount of money. If you think about it, having a reliable Forex trading signal provider will certainly be handy and subscribing to Forex Online Signals may be the key to your fortune! Visit their site now for more information about their services and products.

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Employer considerations and the elder care phenomenon

“There are only four kinds of people in this world. Those who have been caregivers, those who are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” Rosalynn Carter, Former First Lady
The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that in the year 2010, 54% of workforce employees will provide eldercare for a parent or parents and that nearly two-thirds of caregivers will experience conflict between demands at home and demands from employers.

Today’s employed Baby Boomers are the caregiver generation for their parents. They are finding themselves juggling care responsibilities around their employment obligations. Sometimes employees find they have no option but to take leave from work or use sick time to meet their care giving demands.
Employers also feel the toll it is taking on their employees. A report by the AARP describes the cost to employers:
“Companies are also seeing the emotional and physical toll that care giving takes on their workers. In one study, 75% of employees caring for adults reported negative health consequences, including depression, stress, panic attacks, headaches, loss of energy and sleep, weight loss, and physical pain. Businesses suffer, too, by having to pay high health insurance costs and in lost productivity. That doesn’t count the promotions or assignments workers turn down that require travel or relocation away from aging relatives."
Businesses that don’t offer benefits or address eldercare wind up paying for them. A recent study by the MetLife Market Mature Institute and the National Alliance for Care giving states that U.S. companies pay between $17.1 billion and $33.6 billion annually, depending on the level of care giving involved, on lost productivity. That equals $2,110 for every full-time worker who cares for an adult.
Eldercare cost businesses:
                $6.6 billion to replace employees (9% left work either to take early retirement or quit)
                Nearly $7 billion in workday interruptions (coming in late, leaving early, taking time off during the day, or spending work time on eldercare matters)
                $4.3 billion in absenteeism" AARP

Typically, human resource departments work with employees on many issues that may affect their work productivity.  There are programs for drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, illness, absenteeism and child care; but, help with eldercare issues is not normally provided.
The AARP report follows several companies who are providing help with eldercare issues and what they are doing for their employees.
                “Freddie Mac has a free eldercare consultant and access to subsidized aides for a relative up to 20 days.
                Verizon Wireless offers seminars on eldercare issues and allows full-time workers 80 hours a year in back-up care, 40 hours for part-time, and $4/hour for in-home help.
                At the Atlanta law firm Alston & Bird LLP, workers can donate vacation time to colleagues who have used up theirs to care for family members. “ AARP

A growing number of companies nationwide are directing their HR departments to provide resources; education and group help for care giving issues by:
                Providing materials from community resources such as phone numbers to their local Senior Centers or Area Agencies on Aging.
                Making available brochures and booklets on specific programs and services by eldercare experts
                Providing speakers to educate employees on care giving options
                Allowing options to use paid sick leave, employee job sharing and flexible hours
                Allowing employee caregivers to use business computers for care giving research
                Contracting with companies who provide eldercare services to help employees

Eldercare service providers are also reaching out to help employee caregivers by providing informational presentations at the work place during lunchtime or other times set up by employers. One such presentation provided information on reverse mortgages. Jason, who had been trying to help his parents pay for home care, learned at a work site presentation that a reverse mortgage was one way to cover caregiver expenses.
The HR Department of a local business in Utah, invited the Salt Lake Eldercare Planning Council to present a “Brown bag, Lunch and Learn” during their employees' lunch hour. In 30 minutes time, those who attended learned how the services of a Care Manger, Home Care Provider, Elder Attorney, Medicaid Planner and Financial Consultant could help with care giving decisions. Problems were discussed, questions answered and employees left armed with information and the names of professional people they knew could help them.
“This was the most productive lunch I have ever attended”, related Mary, one of the attendees.
“I had been very hesitant to contact an attorney to discuss my parents' estate, because of the cost involved.  The attorney at our 'lunch and learn' answered my few basic questions which will allow me to prepare what I need before I meet with him to finalize my parents' estate planning.”

Besides workplace help for employers and employees dealing with care giving, the Internet is also a great research tool.  The National Care Planning Council website at is a comprehensive resource for eldercare, senior care and long term care planning.  It contains hundreds of articles on all aspects of eldercare.  Professional providers list their services on the NCPC website.  Each of their listings provides unique information on specific eldercare services and how to obtain help.
Employers, employees and eldercare service providers working together can make parent or senior care giving a workable solution for all.

Friday, March 25, 2011

How Using Free Forex Signals Can Benefit Novice Forex Traders

Free forex signals seem to be everywhere on the internet these days. There are literally thousnads of companies and websites who all offer these services. In this article, we ask if there are any catches, and how such forex signals can help a trader's activities.

As previously mentioned, it appears that wherever one turns on the internet, there are always offers to sign up for free forex signals. The rationale for the website or company in question is often to build their business, and to get as many website visitors as possible. This is perfectly legitimate, and a good way to build a business for forex traders is to offer free forex signals. After all, many website owners are experts i nforex trading, and are actually full time forex traders, so it makes a lot of sense to share their trading ideas, and to build a community this way.

The free forex signals can take a number of forms. Quite often, one has to sign up for a service, and the signals are sent by email as soon as the trader has taken a trade. In this case, it is important that the recipient can receive the email as soon as possible, as otherwise the price may have moved so quickly that the forex signal is no longer relevant.

Free forex signals can be useful for a novice forex trader for a variety of reasons. The first reason is that it gives the trader practice in making a series of trades on a demo account. Whenever a novice trader starts to trade, he or she does so on a practice account. It is very good experience for a trader to become familiar with this trading platform, and a good way of doing this is by making as many trades as possible. By signing up for free forex signals, the trader can become proficient in the trading platform in a much quicker time.

Whilst lots of sites offer them, but how do you know they are all genuine, and provided by professional forex traders? How silly would you feel if someone was just tossing a coin, and if it was heads, he would advise to buy, and if it was tails, he would advise to sell?

This raises another important issue, and that is that it is very important to use a demo account in any case to test out any free forex signals. The provider may make wild claims about the perfromance of the signals, but it is first necessary to test out these claims, and to use the signals on a demo account before trading on a live account. The question is then, how long to trade on a demo account before using them with real money. In my view, it is necessary to have 3 consecutive profitable months using the signals - only then can you have any confidence that the trade signals will be profitable.

A further thing that you need to check is how recent are the prices that the free forex signals relate to. What do I mean by this? Well, when you receive the signal, you need to know that the provider has just this minute sent the signal, and that the advice that he has given, is still valid. For instance, if the signal is that you should buy GBP/USD at market, and to take a 50 pip profit - you need to know exactly at what price he was advising you to take the trade.

This is vital - as if he wanted you to buy at 1.6050, and to exit at 1.6100, but you only received the signal when the price was at 1.6080, then you might lose out on the trade, despite following the advice precisely. For this reason, it is recommended that when you recieve trade advice like this, you ask the provider to tell you exactliy what price is the market price when he sends the email. This way you can see how much price has moved. This is crucial in the forex market, where price can move very quickly in a very short space of time.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to Develop a More Content Workforce in the Furture?

What is important to you? What do you consider to be the top priority in your life? When we are young and still in school, most of us don't give a lot of thought to being an adult and what we might want to accomplish in our lives. We may have hobbies, and we hopefully have a supportive family, who we love, but to think of what we want to accomplish or contribute in our lives doesn't usually get much thought until later in adulthood.

Unfortunately, when only 18 years old, we are expected to choose our career path to follow through life. That is a gigantic expectation for someone who is still far from "mature". However, one thing parents can do is expose their children to different careers and allow them to examine and explore what each career is really all about.

Most students entering college are listed as "undecided" and given about two years before requiring they select their major, with some exceptions. Hopefully, the students will take this time to continue exploring the different aspects of different careers. Some schools (K-12) do provide some "career days", and all parents should encourage their children to examine each one.

Many employees in our work places have taken jobs that aren't a good match, but with the need to provide a living, many feel trapped in the jobs they have. Give your children a chance to learn about a wide variety of careers, what education is required, what the daily routines and duties are expected, responsibilities involved, etc.

If parents do this, our society could actually have a happier, more content workforce in the future. Parents should also encourage their schools to provide as wide and diverse of careers as possible for their students to explore. The more time the students have to discover the many careers available, the better chance they have of selecting a career that is a better fit.

Robyn Crigger, CEO

Free Forex Signals - Learn the Secrets to Forex Trading

Forex signals is deemed as one of the most essential factors that are given greater stress and emphasis when you hit the trade market. As a lot of people begin to rely on forex signals to provide them with a clear strategy, so as the search for free forex signals begin. True enough, there are various providers that give free signals however; this is considered short term reliefs since you never know when these free providers are going to pull the plug and the last thing you know everything's over. Therefore, you have to secure a kind of forex signal that will not only allow you to have free access to exchange currency market but also the ways on improving your skills.

Free forex signals served greater purpose of providing traders with the accurate signals that allows them to trail on repeated patterns and through this generate a prediction of how will the currency move. This is of the essence since as you begin to do your trade chances of acquiring a wrong move is inevitable and you will be left with nothing but to go back to square one and try your luck on your next trade. However, with free forex signals, you no longer have to endure anxiousness when trading as accurate signals are transmitted on your database.

Serious forex traders have greatly rely on free forex signals apart from its greater outcome, one of the most gleaned factor is its ability to reward traders with profits that they never imagine they can get. You can also try on investing forex signals and make this your partner for lifetime. As people would prefer to have subscription rather than the free ones it is never difficult to find one for your trade.

Accurate signals have become the indicators of the market's flow and behavior. These signals serve as your eye in the entire course of your foreign exchange dealings. Some of the factors that are provided by the forex signals are forex patterns, currency pairs, breakouts and Fibonacci levels. These are some of the things to look at when you are in a trade. This is precisely the reason why a trader without sufficient knowledge of the market will do no good in his dealings. These signals also provide traders of the idyllic timing when it comes to buying and selling currencies. The forex signal provides you with various information and recommendation if it would be favorable to buy or sell your currency. This type of recommendation is given by your provider or if you employ a broker then you most likely receive signals through an agent.

Forex signals are generally given on a daily updated basis and all are contingent on factual market analysis and behavioral flow and not on mere hearsays and other speculations.

Looking at the practical side, it would be a best option to go by free forex signals however, if you have the financial means to fund a subscription then you may acquire for one. But regardless of it being free or not, the underlying principle relies on the fact that forex signals are your way towards unleashing the secrets of forex trading.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Learning Forex Trading With EToro – the Innovative Forex Platform

Forex trading involves trading money from one currency to another. The Forex trader makes a profit if the currency he or she invests in rises in value; conversely, it is quite easy to lose money if the currency invested in takes an unexpected downturn.

If you are new to Forex trading, then you should start by studying up on the subject, through books and the internet. Become familiar with the terms used and how the process works. You would also want to stay up to date on business and economic news. Know what analysts in the field of Forex trading are saying, the economic condition of the country or countries whose currency you have invested in and stay abreast of business and other news that would give you a better idea of what currencies to buy and sell.

Another very good way to learn about Forex trading is to open a Forex trading eToro account. E-Toro allows you to open what is known as a 'practice account'. As the name implies, this account is solely for practice. While you do have to pay some money to open the Forex trading eToro account, this account does not use real money; you can practice your skills in the Forex trading market without worrying about losing large sums of money. This way, you gain practice and skill, you can learn what to do and what not to do and you can gain confidence in your trading skills.

There are other alternative sites where you can choose to open such an account. You should consider, however, that opening a Forex trading eToro account does have its benefits. For one, it is quite affordable and you can open an account for as little as $50. For another, eToro is highly rated by reviewer It has many features and an easy user interface. This company also makes the process of learning Forex trading a lot more enjoyable with its cash prizes and contests for members.

Once you have gained the skills and confidence needed to strike out into the world of Forex trading, you may not have much time to practice using the Forex trading eToro account. However, do not sideline it altogether. Remember, practice makes perfect and taking the time to practice your skills using the practice account from time to time is time well spent. You can practice as often as you like, continuing to enhance your skills and gain new ones. Joining eToro forex trading might just be the best choice for any aspiring forex trader.

Some other things you should do along with opening a Forex trading eToro account are: stay abreast of the news, especially the financial news regarding the currency you have invested in, keep tabs on what the analysts are saying and predicting, and keep an eye on economic trends. Acquiring Forex trading skills is an ongoing process. It is not something that is confined to opening a Forex trading eToro account; you continue to learn as you continue to trade on the Forex market and see what currency or currencies represent the best investments. See for yourself whether eToro forex trading might just be the preferred forex broker.

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Forex Artificial Intelligence (Forex AI) Explodes to 100% Accurate Forex Signals!

Amazing profits seems to be taking place more frequently for those individuals who trade the Forex with Forex AI.

The actual name is termed Forex artificial intelligence and years ago made its introduction, but promptly disappeared off the market, because giant financial conglomerates saw it as a tool that they could dominate for cashing in.

During that time a good number of the predicative capacity of Forex artificial intelligence yielded results to the level of 75% accurate Forex signals. The reality of the matter is, any time you are working with any kind of investment and have that kind of accurateness you are doing superb!

That specific Forex AI program was bought from a minor computer developer by chief players on Wall Street who used it for years to clear major windfall profits!

With the computer market being so aggressively competitive these days and so many bright programmers out there, improved more steadfast programs of this quality have come about. At present this is not to say that all Forex AI programs are worth it, but throughout the world there are a couple that are pretty much an automatic-money-machine because the accuracy rate is so spot on that it will most likely leave you shaking your head in disbelief.

A lot of folks who are new to the Forex market as well as experienced professionals can sincerely appreciate a program like this because, if it is a good one, it can take a lot of the guess work out of the equation for you.

The extra huge advantage that so many benefit from is that once they start to use it, they are often times astounded at how quickly they are starting to make money and lots of of them by a hair's breadth know anything at all on the subject of the Forex.

Think about that for a moment! No special skills, talents and no degrees in astrophysics are vital to make money with the Forex when working with Forex artificial intelligence.

I actually hate to say it this way, however it is so very true. You can literally sleep your way to earning proceeds with this kind of technology at work for you, because once you are started, the program for the most part is hands-off and has stunning no hassle profit making capability.

Recently I saw results that came in at 100% accurate Forex signals for weeks and even months for individuals who are taking complete advantage of this type of innovative, scientifically advanced predicative technology based program.

I don’t know about you, but personally I consider a 100% success rate on any investment to be not too scruffy! So, what about you? Should you examine this kind of science for yourself?

My suggestion would be to do a little investigation and leave no stone uncovered in looking for answers. For me the conclusion was simple, yes! Because I was looking to make wealth with the Forex starting as soon as humanly possible!

If you like the thought of Forex AI (Forex Artificial Intelligence) working for you and making you money, then I say forcefully, get a hold of it and get profitable right away!

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Learning from Experience

Once in a great while, experience teaches us a lesson that that can only be described as an axiom or a truism. It just is. You can try to understand its origins or debate its basis in theory, but if you ask me, that’s just a waste of time. You’re better off just taking it for what it is - an empirical observation - and benefiting from its implications.

Now, I know some of this stuff straddles philosophy and psychology, but there’s a good reason for that. While they are indeed “real world” observations, they were perceived through a subjective filter - my brain - which, for better or worse, includes all kinds of strange and diverse influences.
So, while you will find elements of Taoism, Freudian theory, Ayn Rand, and “What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School”, make no mistake: they’re all practical lessons that can help your career … or even change your life:
·      If you don’t know, say so. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, stop talking.
·      Whether negotiation is strong or weak depends entirely on your goals.
·      Don’t jump ship before you hit the iceberg.
·      Anger is never about what you think you’re angry about.
·      It is; confidence comes from success, knowledge comes from failure.
·      Jerk is a subjective noun.
·      If you’re miserable, quit and do something else. If you’re still miserable, it’s you.
·      Success is based on current behavior, not past performance.
·      If you protect your domain or CYA, that’s all you’ll accomplish.
·      Thin-skinned people are actually “Thick-headed”.
·      People won’t perform for those they don’t respect.
·      If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, you won’t be successful at it.
·      When you have problems with others, look inside yourself for answers.
·      The workplace is about business, not you.
·      Conflict is healthy; anger is not. Get some help for that.
·      No matter how smart you are, wisdom only comes from experience.
·      Whine and complain all you want; nobody gives a crap.
·      You can BS others but you really can’t BS yourself.
·      The boss isn’t always right, but she’s still the boss.
·      The customer isn’t always right, but he’s still the customer.
If any of this comes across as sort of preachy, just so you know, that’s not my intent. I’m not interested in indoctrinating anyone, just offering an opinion to help you to navigate a complex and challenging working world.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Employers, Are You Aware That Your Employees Are Seeking Better Employment?

This is not a new topic, but as I circulate in different business group settings and talk with individuals, it is clear that employees are tired of being patient. They have given and given and done a lot for their employers over the past 2 or more years. The media and even the President has told employers/businesses that it is time for them to spend money to help our economy.

It is stated in the media that many employers now have some fair amount of funds in their bank accounts, and yet employers are skiddish about spending. Meanwhile costs of groceries and gas, etc. escalate.

To add to the employees' frustration, many have expressed that employers haven't even provided any or much training for 2+ years. In order for the employees to do the best at their jobs, many need training. In addition, as the Baby Boomers prepare to retire, no one is being offered "leadership training" to prepare the less experienced employees to step into supervisory or management shoes.

How long will it be until employers take action to strengthen their workforces for the future?

Robyn Crigger, CEO

Free Forex Training - Learn About 100% Accurate Forex Trade Signals

I had the amazing experience of receiving free Forex training from various companies over the last couple of years, and I found it is a terrific method to get your skills tuned up before stepping out with your first Forex market trade position as you plan to carry out your first bid.

Although scores of companies offer this sort of service with you opening a basic account with them, many of them will just offer it as a real freebie without you having to do anything other than fill out a registration form on their website.

Through all the free Forex training that I was exposed to, the most excellent one to date offered not only the free training, but they offered instruction in the area of their artificial intelligence Forex market trade program. I found it very intriguing and after running the Free Demo Account to test their system I was totally knocked off my feet!

Without question, I was awestruck! I was truly amazed, it was like I was hypnotized by this whole artificial intelligence thing that is also known as AI, because the accuracy was too superior to actually believe, but it was or is so very true.

Repeatedly, 100% accuracy for extended periods of time! I saw it and I am currently experiencing it! I guess I just got curious enough about the prospect of actually utilizing artificial intelligence to deal with my trading decisions.

After data, I concluded that the artificial intelligence Forex market trade program could work so much more efficiently than me and make a whole lot more capital than I ever could because it is working 5 ½ days per week endlessly, without having to take the regular coffee breaks, bathroom runs, going to a job and of course, it did not ever need any snooze time!

Basically, the major lesson that I took from all these free Forex training courses that I took is if you find the right technology, then it is quite possible that technology could do all the work and make you lots of profits.

In general what I learned from all of the Free Forex training is that if you can find top-quality technology to get things done for you, go for it! It can be enormously profitable for you!

Through it all, what I gathered from all of my free Forex training is if you can dig up technology that can make you money, why not put into action it as soon as humanly achievable!

The field of artificial intelligence or predicative software is not new. As a matter of fact, a few small independent companies developed such software in the mid 90’s, but were bought out totally by large institutions that horded it for themselves and gave their clients a small fractional percentage of the profits derived from the use of such a technology.

These days with so many computers and computer geniuses at work in the field, the new wave of predicative software or artificial intelligence is better, faster and more reliable. Today, first and foremost due to competition, there is a mountain of research out there on the subject of artificial intelligence and/or predicative software being use in trading programs because they can be more dependable and much faster.

As I noted formerly, I have seen these kinds of artificial intelligence Forex market trade programs run upwards of 6 months without a single loss! Yeah, catch your breath and read that again, because it ain’t no typo! Yes, multiple trades and no losing positions!

Let's face it, a 100% is pretty accurate! Sounds ludicrous, but 100% dead on! The reality is, is how the money is made!

When you are nice and comfy with trading with this kind of software you may possibly find you sleep a whole lot better at night and make a whole bunch of cash when you wake up. Not a bad plan, wouldn't you agree?

In view of the fact that time is money, get on the run to find your Free Forex Training. Okay my friend, time is wasting away; so get moving on finding your free Forex training, without delay!

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Forex News Trading Alchemy From Forex Signals To Consistent Profits

Forex currency trading has been a hot subject lately. Imagine a business with no employees, no customers, and no inventory; with possibility of reaping great profits every single month, week, or day. It is only you, lap-top computer, and your favorite sofa… Attractive? Sure, but the secret ingredient of success is missing in the formula.

It is estimated that only 5% of retail forex traders have consistently profitable currency trading system. It is usually based on deep understanding of economy (fundamental analysis), awareness of the patterns of market reaction on specific economic events (technical analysis), and proprietary set of "tools and instruments". Clearly, you want to jump in to get your feet wet in forex trading, but what if your toolbox is almost empty. One way to start is to follow professional trader guidance. It does not break your wallet to subscribe to quality forex trading signals (for instance, I offer them free), then test their consistency on your training account and finally apply these alerts for live trades.

I call this "forex news trading alchemy", loosely referring to the clandestine process of transmuting substances of no or little value into pure gold. Economy news that people watch on TV just to have something to chat with their friends later apparently aren't of great value. The very same news disturb currency market, providing possibilities to make money on the market movements and therefore become remarkably tangible. Training and experience is required to interpret news into the trading terms and the final product of such interpretation is called Forex Trading Alert or Signal.

High-quality FX trading signals provide final price projection based on the deviation between prior number, actual number and possible revision combined with support and resistance levels. Timing of the indicator is of crucial importance here as well as the same deviation may have completely different impact on the market. It is advisable to eventually get familiar with these forex technical terms; however generally you can follow the simplified summary explaining optimal trading strategy for this particular news event including entry and exit points and stop loss limit.

Following news trading signals is a good way to reap some profits, but more importantly it is extremely beneficial for the general forex trading education. The trader is able to observe elements of fundamental and technical analysis comprised into the signal that pertain to the certain economic situation. Live trade execution teaches various trading strategies besides educators agree that practice is by far the best way to increase the comprehension level and retain the knowledge. After trade follow up with step-by-step scrutiny is simply invaluable.

Remember, your goal is to establish your very own perfect business by making it into the five percent of successful forex traders. If you read this article, that means you already have computer with internet access. The only thing between you and your dream is that illusive secret ingredient of proper currency trading education.

Try the alchemy of forex news trading to access that covert element.

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Forex Signals: Effectively Using Forex Signals to Maximize Your Forex Trading Profits

FOREX trading has some shortcomings; one is the fact that you have to spend a great deal of time scrutinizing the market. Indeed, you may have to spend many hours at your PC, keeping your eyes peeled for entrance and exit situations that will be helpful in your overall investment strategy.

It is possible to utilize automated orders. Limits and stops prevent eye strain by letting you have some time away from your monitor, secure that any potential for loss is minimal. However, you can also lose out on prospective gains, if such orders, in your absence, take effect sooner than you’d like.

To minimize the risk of automated orders, and yet still get away from your desk, a FOREX signal service may be helpful. Someone else does the market watching and analyzing for you, and the results are sent to you directly, by email, cell phone, pager, etc. Such services aren’t free; usually a monthly or annual subscription is required. However, some brokerages have integrated such services into Forex trading software which sends signals to you by screen “pop-up” messages, or by the other direct methods already mentioned.

FOREX signals are usually only to be had in a restricted quantity of currency pairings. Most frequently, one of the following will be offered: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, or USD/CHF. However, other such duos may be offered by certain specialty services.

A high level of technical market analysis is generally required for FOREX signal creation. Most services utilize a mix of indicators to recognize primary trends and entrance/exit signifiers. Subscribers are then given the option of exercising or foregoing a trade based on the results; some companies may even give you the ability to place trade orders that can be exercised by an analyst without consultation with you, to give you even more freedom from having to monitor the markets – or even the signals – yourself.

A variety of signals are possible as the results of the analysis of currency charts. A Simple Moving Average (SMA) signals to buy if the price for the specified currency moves higher than the line indicating the average price, or to sell if the price goes below the line.

A Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) study also has a signal line where “buy” is indicated if the price goes above, or “sell” if the price goes below, the line.

Market interest may be found using indicators of volume. Especially near the market low, high volume tends to signal that a new trend is beginning. Conversely, low volume may signal that investors are unsure of the wisdom of purchase at this time. The possibility of market change may be signaled by a variety of different indicators.

The utility of such signals can be reinforced with a mixture of additional indicators from a variety of sources. Such a combination provides insight into market behavior that can be fairly dependable. Of course, nothing is 100% certain – if such signals were absolutely reliable, we’d all be rich. No respectable service will ever guarantee absolute success. However, a particular service’s result history can be a good indicator of whether or not you can rely on their currency trading advice being useful to you in the future.

Subscription services that provide such data typically cost between $50 and $200 per month. You may find that the cost outweighs the benefits, or you might find that your profits make the information worth the price. Such data can never take the place of true knowledge, however; signals are simply a form of guidance. If you lack the basic tools to use the information provided, such a service will probably be useless to you until you can obtain some additional training.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Ethical Leadership and the 21st Century CEO

Ethical leadership and principle-centered leaders apply moral and ethical standards of "right" and "wrong" -- values and virtues -- to policy development and decision-making in business, government and the non-profit sectors. Principled leadership happens when men and women of good character and integrity take the helm of an organization or enterprise and let their principles drive their actions. 

Some, like business executive John Beckett, invoke Judeo-Christian principles to guide corporate decisions and policy-making for his company and its employees. Beckett is chairman and CEO of the R.W. Beckett Corporation, the world's largest producer of oil burners, located in Elyria, Ohio. Beckett established three "enduring values" -- each based on Scripture -- to guide his company's decision-making about everything from product development and marketing to people management and compensation:
Ø  Integrity
Ø  Excellence
Ø  A Profound Respect for the Individual.

The American public is in a schizophrenic quandary over principled leadership. Many people wonder if they can really trust those who put themselves forward as ethical leaders. In moments of honest reflection we realize an inner desire for competent leaders who display moral rectitude. Not only is this a desire, it is also for many of us fundamental in our understanding of leadership.
This desire and expectation for morally driven leaders is too often crushed by those who present themselves as such, and yet prove to have a reckless disregard for a consistent, principled lifestyle. At a time when many believe we are in desperate need for persons of high ethical standards to lead us, we become immediately suspect when such persons step forward..
Our suspicions sometimes arise from hurts or wrongs that we have received as a result of placing our trust in disingenuous leaders and their misguided endeavors. Human hopes and efforts can be crushed when leaders prove themselves to be mere images of the virtues that they espouse. This breach of trust often results in an unwillingness to believe the best about any leader again; others express skepticism toward principled leaders because of a general fear of losing control. These persons see "follow ship" as an untrusting arena in which no one is to be trusted. For those who view "follow ship" in this way, even the most moral leaders are viewed as suspect and possibly threatening. Regardless of the leader’s ethical track record, the fear of losing control can often greatly tinge how others view them.
At the foundation, the cynicism that many have toward our contemporary leaders is a result of the erosion of the meaning of values in our country. Simply put, in our country, values are not near what they used to be. Whereas at the time of the founding of our nation, values were based upon universal, moral absolutes, they have gradually lost this foundation. Values have become individualized preferences that are determined by the circumstances and contexts within which one operates.
Noted historian Gertrude Himmelfarb, in her book The Demoralization of Society, puts forward the argument that there is a categorical difference between the concepts of values and virtues. She argues that "values" are based upon the "assumptions that all moral ideas are subjective and relative, that they are mere customs and conventions, that they have a purely instrumental, utilitarian purpose, and that they are peculiar to specific individuals and societies."(The Demoralization of Society, page 11).
Ms. Himmelfarb contends that the concept of "virtues" of the late 18th and early 19th century meant "fixed and certain standards against which behavior could and should be measured … And when conduct fell short of those standards, it was judged in moral terms, as bad, wrong or evil – not, as is more often the case today, as misguided, undesirable or ‘inappropriate’." (The Demoralization of Society, pages 12-13).
When values have been separated from a foundation of morality, they come to mean nothing because they mean everything. In a culture where all values are deemed to be equal, the notion of being a values-driven leader comes to mean very little. The basis of cynicism toward principled leaders today is a result of the diminished meaning and authority that today’s values have in our lives and in our choices.
Leadership in a society that has separated values from morality requires clear and reflective thinking. Before a leader puts him forward as an ethical leader, he would do well to determine his basis of understanding ethics and morality. Does he understand his behavior as being molded by standards of virtue and thereby evaluated by these standards? Are his life and leadership based upon moral absolutes or upon cultural and managerial expediencies?
The cynicism toward credible and ethical leaders places these leaders in a quandary of their own. How is it that one wins the trust and respect of their constituents in this age of cynicism? These leaders affirm the importance of taking time to evaluate the character, competence and commitment of those that you follow and support. And yet they also realize that in its essence, the process of leadership and "follow ship" is a process of trust.
Three thoughts that will guide those who desire to be moral and credible leaders are:
  • Virtuous leadership must be demonstrated in speech and actions, publicly and privately, 24 hours a day. No leader will ever become a spotless moral paragon. And yet each must be committed to doing what it takes to do what is right. What a leader does in private does matter, and will decrease or increase his scope of influence.
  • The test of time is compelling; it also builds patience and in some, a rich humility. Time proves both the value of one’s virtues and the consistency with which they are displayed. Time is the acid test that determines the credibility and morality of any leader.
  • Media exposure is of limited value in putting forward and establishing one’s virtue. The establishment of one’s moral authority is a result of building a credible reputation in a relatively small culture. From this culture there is the chance of multiplied influence as one’s reputation becomes legendary.

The antidote to cynicism is reality. It is the challenge of every leader today to put forward the reality of a life that is built around virtuous standards. This will be a lifelong process of personal and spiritual reckoning. And in this process there is the possibility of becoming the kind of leader that we so desperately need.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Precautions Have You Taken to Protect Your Business?

When we hear about disasters --like the one in Japan -- do we ever think "what if something like that happened here?" Whether from a personal standpoint or one of a business owner, the thought of a terrible event would leave us shaking in our shoes!

Though we may have been very fortunate in the past, a disaster could happen. A fire, flood, or whatever could hit any of us. Are we prepared? Did you hear that many in Japan survived because they were prepared and knew what to do in a disaster? I suspect most of us do NOT have a plan.

As a homeowner, you probably have good insurance on your home. Business owners have insurance on their buildings, but what if the business was shut down for a week, a month, or longer? What would happen to your business and the employees? What about your customers?

We all need a plan that is practical, strategic, and having considered most (if not all) contingencies. With electricity down and possible building damage, how would you proceed? Do you have everything stored in one place? Do you have backup for your critical data in order to keep "doing business"?

An Emergency Plan is an "excellent" idea. Also, who would be good resources in such a case? If you needed immediate supplies, a temporary office, etc.?

The other thought might be to look around your business and see what might be done to avoid some kinds of disasters? A backup of supplies should be on hand but possibly kept elsewhere. What about fire safety? If sprinklers go off, what materials are being left out that should be stored in file drawers or cabinets? You may want to encourage employees to put important papers away before leaving at the end of the day. Some items may need to go into a safe.

Taking the time to take some safety measures now, could reduce some major headaches later.

Robyn Crigger

Friday, March 11, 2011

The lowdown on drawdown - or - What is drawdown and why does it matter in automatic forex trading?

650% profit in the first 60 days trading!  
Win 100 pips with every trade! 
Never a losing trade! 
Claims like these are plentiful in the world of automatic forex trading - you can barely turn around without bumping into a new Forex Robot claiming sky high returns on your investment. However, rarely are we told what amount of your initial investment was in danger during trading to achieve such outrageous returns. 
The level of risk involved in a trading strategy is what we call its "drawdown".
Drawdown is the reduction of one's capital after a series of losing trades. This is normally calculated by getting the difference between a relative peak in equity capital minus a relative trough. Traders normally note this down as a percentage of their trading account. 
Drawdown is the very feature by which to evaluate the validity of the outrageous profit claims many Forex robots make. Surely, if the robot is planning to be risking 90% of your investment capital, the darn thing better have some hopes of astronomical profit - otherwise why take such an enormous risk. 
But we all know what happens in reality when sound money management goes out the window: One bad trade and your account is wrecked beyond repair.
Sound money management, with reasonable drawdown, in a low risk setting is the only way to make progress. Insane trading, with no sound controls, only to put your account at risk, always being at the mercy of one trade that could end it all, is a sure way to get an ulcer and lose your trading capital. Might as well go back to manual trading, at least you enjoy the gambling...
So, when evaluating your next Forex Trading Robot please, instead of being seduced by great sounding profit promises, take a close look at the risk settings used to obtain these profits.
Oh - and that last promise of "Never a losing trade" is of course completely silly - it is the equivalent of playing roulette and betting on the little ball never landing on "zero" again - won't happen - ever.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Business Calamity Prevention & Recovery Program

A Business Disaster is defined as a sudden, unplanned, severe interruption of normal business activities.  How will your business react and perform when disaster strikes?

Business calamities are not just associated with your computer systems.  A Business Recovery program not only includes the IT aspects of your business but also the entire organization’s function and behavior.

We like to start with a Business Impact Analysis (BIA). In a BIA, we help your company estimate the impact of an interruption on its income, employees, customers and its reputation. We collect this information through meetings with managers, interviews with employees, and by distributing questionnaires to selected individuals. Questionnaires can be distributed in print, by email or on the Internet.
It is essential to estimate Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and Minimum Operating Requirements (MOR) during the Business Impact Analysis. These help to determine which continuity strategy would be best for the recovery of each business activity or department. Strategies might include moving to another location, delaying the performance of some tasks, or transferring some work to another office.
We can help your company's executives estimate impact and recovery requirements in as little as one morning or afternoon meeting.
Some companies then want to identify and quantify the potential threats to their businesses. That process is called a Risk Analysis (RA). In risk analysis, we examine threats into three (3) categories: natural threats, technical threats and human threats. A threat can be a power failure, a sprinkler discharge, a software virus or the loss of a big customer, for examples. Many companies already know their most likely threats.

We assess risk by estimating the likelihood that selected threats will happen to your business, and estimating the impact on your business if those threats were to happen. Some threats have a low likelihood of occurrence, but a very high impact if they occur. Others are more likely, but have lower impact on your business when they happen. Our experience as professional planners adds significant value to the process of helping your company decide which of the many possible risks your business continuity plan (BCP) should address.
When we know the risks and the impact, we propose appropriate continuity strategies to meet the cost-benefit and recovery time requirements you have approved during the BIA process. Having a recovery site is often recommended, especially for IT systems. Suspending some parts of your business temporarily may also be an appropriate strategy. Serving customers and receiving revenue are always top priorities.
Then we write a plan based on your business objectives and the continuity strategies your company chooses. We write your plans using software you choose; we can even publish your company's BCP on a private BCP intranet web site for your company, which we setup and maintain for you.

To prepare your BCP, we ask questions like:
                What could go wrong? What are the possible threats to your facilities and business functions?
                What is likely to go wrong? How could you reduce the risk of something going wrong?
                If something went wrong, how would it affect your business?
                What are the best continuity strategies to achieve your Recovery Time Objectives? For example, if you want customers to be able to reach you by telephone within one (1) day after a disaster, have you selected an appropriate strategy for your telephone system to make that possible?
                Is your plan in writing?
                Is your plan available to all employees?
                Has your company practiced or tested your BCP in the last six (6) months?

For more information and initial analysis please contact me, we can assist your business in a smooth, continuous operation regardless of the unforeseen events in your business life.